Via Stephen Price at Stash Media -
Supply & Demand director/DP David Holm (an alumnus of Superfad, Digital Kitchen and Brand New School) jolts Tesla out of green into growling with this intense fusion of neck-snapping editing by Ben Jordan at Work Post, NYC and surgical sound design by Joe Mount at Wave Studios in London.
David Holm: “My niche is visual storytelling that uses digital effects in a very organic way. Heavy digital effects can sometimes be soulless. The work has to feel real, emotional and a bit rough around the edges. It’s about finding the balance, finding the beauty in the roughness of things.”
Shot over two days on location at Soggy Dry Lake, California, Holm captured the Tesla on multiple formats, primarily RED alongside Panasonic’s GH3, a Canon C300 mounted to the sedan and an old Russian 16mm hand-crank camera all complimented by NASA footage from the Cassini satellite.